Reimagine C-Store Car Washing with a Tunnel
Wash More Cars
Shorter Wait Times For Customers
“Mini-Tunnels” As Short as 35 Feet Can Effectively Wash Cars
"We immediately shot our business up (with DRB). We went from basically 65 cars to up to 112 cars an hour."
Trevor Gile
Owner/Operator of Rainforest Car Wash
“Without a doubt, we wouldn't be where we are today without the guidance and wisdom of DRB.”
Brian Krusz
Scan to learn more about how DRB® can help you build and scale a successful express exterior car wash.

DRB®: Proven Car Wash Technology Partner
Powerful POS and Business Optimization Technology
Trusted by More Top 50 Conveyorized Car Wash Chains Than All Other Technology Providers Combined
Best-in-Class Technical Support With Emergency Service 24/7/365
XPT® 5+ for Canada
Tunnel Control Station 2 (TCS2)

Patheon®: Maximize Your Car Wash Investment Performance
CarPics® Touch Queue Management
NoPileups™ in Action
Learn More
Scan for more information on how DRB can help you boost build and scale a successful express exterior car wash.