Drive Loyalty and Revenue With a Mobile App

August 16, 2023

In this webinar, we look at how mobile apps drive loyalty and frequency with their convenience and personalized experiences. Apps also can reduce member churn and increase customer engagement.




Kayla Ivey, Product Marketing Manager: We'll go ahead and get started. Thanks, everyone for joining. We'll introduce ourselves here in just a second, but we're going to be talking about mobile apps today. So mobile apps in the car wash space. What can that do to benefit your business? What does that bring to the table that maybe you don't already have in your current ecosystem? And really how can a mobile app help you drive loyalty and drive revenue? So we'll get into all of those details here in just a couple minutes. It should be about a 30 to 40 minute webinar and a little bit of time at the end for some Q and A.

So housekeeping, real quick, there's a Q and A button at the bottom of your screen, which is indicated here. If you have questions, we'd love to hear them. So go ahead and put those in the Q and A as we go along through the presentation and then hopefully we'll have some time at the end to get through some of those. If we don't make it through all, we always follow up afterward in an email with all the questions answered. So put any questions in there. If we don't have time, we'll definitely get you an answer afterward. If you can't see that button for some reason, you can go to view options and then exit full screen. And it should bring your zoom into a smaller window and then you should be able to see that button. Technical issues, questions, any of that can also go in the Q and A, just because our chat is disabled for this webinar. And then with the questions and answers that we follow up with, we'll also send a webinar recording. So don't feel like you have to scribble a bunch of notes as we're going. We'll get you all the content, the recording and everything within about a week of today's discussion.

Okay, so quick intros from our speakers here today. So my name is Kayla Ivey, I'm a Product Marketing Manager for DRB, and I mainly work on like our applications and kind of marketing side of the business. And my background is in car wash marketing. So I came from SUDS, worked at SUDS for about six years. And if you're not familiar, SUDS is basically the marketing agency, the marketing and analytics arm of DRB. And through that a lot of my experience has been partnering, working side by side with car wash owners and operators to help them grow. So a lot of like go to market, you know, new business strategy, helping against competitors, helping grow memberships, things like that. So that's where a lot of my background comes in and I'm helping to bring some of that marketing experience to the table with as we're talking about mobile apps and how to get the most out of a mobile app.

Tony Giamati, Sales Manager: Awesome. And hello, everyone. I am Tony Giamati. I'm a Sales Manager at DRB. I've been in the car wash for about, car wash industry for about 16 years now. I started working at a local car wash, was there all through high school and college, and then shortly after went over to DRB. I've been at DRB for six years now and spent the first half of my time there working on the install team. On that team, I helped car washes through grand openings and I installed many of our products. The second half of my time I spent on the commercial team working in account management. And more recently I've taken a position as our sales manager for Beacon, SUDS and NoPileups.

So before we kick things off, let's give you a quick background on what Beacon Mobile is. Beacon Mobile is a native mobile app solution that helps car wash owners drive loyalty and customer engagement. It was started back in 2009 and acquired by DRB in August of 2022. The of founder Beacon, Alan Nawoj wanted to create a solution for car washes so that they could have their own mobile app without having to build a custom app from scratch. He wanted car wash owners to be empowered to manage their own apps, so he built a platform that could easily be logged into and managed without having to rely on developers. We now work with over 1400 locations across the US and internationally, including some of the largest car wash operations. With that, I'm going to kick it off to Kayla.

Kayla: Awesome. So I want to start, not car wash specific, but kind of just apps in general and then we will pivot and get really specific into how this relates to car wash. So apps are obviously, you know, we deal with them day to day. Most of us have probably used an app or multiple apps today. So checking the weather, ordering coffee, listening to music and podcasts, we engage with apps all the time in our day-to-day experience. And so we want to talk about, you know, how prevalent that is and how that relates to getting someone to behave in that way when it comes to the car wash space and if that behavior relates over to our industry. So what we found through research just in general about mobile apps, and by the way when we're talking mobile app, I think everyone's probably familiar, but decoupling that from a mobile website.

So we're talking a fully like native mobile app that you actually download onto your phone for that business. So what we found in our research is most Americans have about 80 apps on average downloaded onto their phone. So pretty significant amount of apps that people are engaging with on a regular basis. And then 85% of time spent on smartphones is typically spent on apps. So of course that's not all business and retail related, a lot of that's going to be social media and applications like that, but it's still, the point here is apps are not going away anytime soon.

Consumers and users are used to engaging with apps and how can we kind of seamlessly fit into that standard customer behavior that people are using with a lot of other apps. So with the prevalence of so many mobile apps being at the fingertips of customers, consumers are having a higher and higher expectation of what they want their mobile apps to do. So it's, you know, what is going to get them to download it in the first place and then how does the mobile app need to provide value and how is the user going to experience, or how are they going to engage with it on a regular basis so that it has value on kind of that ongoing basis.

What is their expectation on how that app needs to function and what it needs to provide for them. And so what we found is apps have a pretty high abandonment rate. So what that means is even if you get a consumer to download an app, if it bugs out or doesn't work properly, 64% of people will just app uninstall it right off the bat, especially if it's like on that first engagement with the app, if it bugs out, they're just going to abandon it. And then a lot of people will also just have an app downloaded onto their phone that they're not actually using and engaging with. So we want to dive into that and understand, what is it about an app that makes a user not only want to download it but engage with it for the long term.

So one of the things we found kind of just about apps in general is the main reason that people download a retail app, so we're talking business apps, is they want a personalized experience and they also want to get discounts and like some type of loyalty reward. So I think this is like pretty standard, pretty common sense in terms of what we would expect. So if you think about any retailers that you've downloaded their app, Starbucks or something like that, you're probably doing it for, maybe it's a better user experience, it's easier to make a purchase. And the the main thing is you're getting those loyalty benefits and rewards for purchases you would've made anyway. And then one of the standouts here that at least stood out to us is they want personalized experience. So they don't want just any offer ordeal that everyone has available to them, they want personalized offers that are tailored to their preferences, their purchase history, maybe it includes their name, maybe it involves their birthday, whatever that looks like they're expecting by downloading a retailer's mobile app, they're getting a more personalized experience.

Okay, so bringing it back to car wash. So apps are extremely prevalent as we talked about in retail environment. Most businesses, at least a good percentage of businesses that we engage with on a day-to-day basis offer some type of mobile app. And so we don't think this necessarily makes sense in every business, like a mobile app is not necessarily going to provide a better experience in every single type of business, but we want to make the argument of, you know, why it makes sense in car wash and kind of dive into that. So one of the most common questions that we get asked is, "If I offer a mobile app at my car wash, are people actually going to download it? Are they going to want a car wash mobile app on their phone?" So thinking about this question, we're almost picturing a mobile phone as like a piece of real estate if you will.

So is my customer going to be willing to take up a piece of that real estate on their phone with a car wash app? And so what I'll get into is two primary reasons why we think mobile app aligns really well with car wash in particular, that doesn't necessarily equate to how other businesses might use mobile apps. This is really what is it about car wash that makes it work so well? So one thing is frequency. So we know with car wash, it's not a one-time purchase, it's something that people are intending to come back and use sometime in the future. So not every car washer is going to wash, you know, every week or every month even.

The average retail user typically washes about three times per year based on industry-wide data. But even that intention to, you know, the customer is intending to come back at some point in the future and wash their car again, that's a good thing for us. It's not a one-time purchase where they don't foresee a need to come back. And so that lends itself really well to what a mobile app can provide with that kind of ongoing loyalty points-based system. So if we kind of bank on that psychology that someone is thinking, okay, I'm washing my car now, I'm going to be coming back sometime in the future, even if I don't know exactly when that may be, if we can kind of capitalize off of that and get them to take an action where they're downloading the app maybe for an incentive on that purchase or even on their next purchase and then every purchase thereafter they're accumulating points, that's a pretty strong value proposition for someone who is expecting to come back. And we'll talk in a little bit about, you know, who is most likely to download an app, but that's a big standout.

One is, you know, retail customers who have experienced your wash before and they're intending to make another purchase at some point in the future. So that's the first aspect about car wash that I think lends really well to a mobile app is that frequency. Next one is the subscription element. So obviously membership is one of our main priorities in the car wash space. We want to reduce churn as much as possible. We want to maximize the user experience of our memberships.

So one of the things that we found, again in research that's not specific to car wash, just kind of consumers in general, is one of the biggest frustrations about subscriptions is having to jump through hoops to cancel a plan. And we all, I think have experienced this, we know this to be true just anecdotally if anyone's ever tried to cancel like a Wall Street Journal subscription or something like that, that's kind of the experience we don't want to provide for our members because for one it can actually deter people from signing up in the first place and then it's just a poor user experience if they do want to cancel. So not that we want to make canceling easy necessarily, but we do want to provide the customer with their own sort of reigns to manage their own membership. Not only cancellations but also, you know, if they want to change their plan, update a credit card, even like see their own usage or you know, just really be able to take the reigns on a subscription that they have, that's going to provide the best member experience.

And I know with memberships I'm a part of, if they don't have a mobile app, it just adds kind of an extra step to have to remember like a website URL to go to, maybe a login, that kind of thing. So if I'm subscribed to something, I'm more than happy to have a mobile app just to make it as easy and least time consuming for me to manage my membership. So those are kind of the two main points about car wash that we think align really well with a mobile app, frequency and the subscription nature of our business. So then kind of going back to the original question is, are people going to download a car wash app? And what is it about a car wash app that is going to be valuable? So I think with this one the answer's obviously going to be yes and no. Like not everyone's going to download a car wash app nor is everyone going to download a coffee app or any type of app. So I think just narrowing in on the types of customers that this fits their need and it offers them a value. So one of those things to consider is if it's a user's first visit at your wash, a customer's first visit, that's not really the candidate that's going to be likely to download just because they don't yet know if they have the intention to come back to your wash.

So really we're looking at users, customers who have had a good experience, have washed with you before, they're expecting to come back sometime in the future, those are primary candidates for the app where they could be making purchases within the app. So great user experience and then they're also getting points and maybe they earn a discount or something on their next wash. So that's a great candidate for the app. And then the other one is members. So like I talked about a lot already, a member who wants to be able to manage their plan easily, that's a great candidate to pitch the mobile app and you can also, Tony will get into this later, but you can also offer them like unique deals and offers for being a member that's downloaded the app. So even more reason to get them to sign up.

Tony: Yeah, absolutely. And something else I'd like to touch on on that question of, are people going to download? When I think of this I bring it back to other apps that you may have on your phone and I think of Starbucks and Chipotle in particular. Using an app to buy a burrito or a cup of coffee almost doesn't make sense until you think about why we do it. Those apps are providing an improved and rewarding customer experience, that's why they're so widely adopted. You know, with Beacon Mobile we strive to provide the same great experiences and have plenty of car wash specific features that provide value. Beacon even has the ability to provide like a download credit for downloading the app and we have a robust referral program that rewards both the person sending and the person that downloads. So the next question that we should probably ask is, as a car wash operator, do I really need a mobile app at my car wash?

It's likely that you probably have a website and possibly even an e-commerce store. So what additional value does that app bring to you? So we're going to go over three of the primary benefits that a mobile app can drive for your car wash business. First being a better customer experience, then an increased loyalty and higher membership or retention. So with an improved experience, we create that in two areas, accessibility and a personalized experience. So Beacon Mobile fulfills both of these functions to make interactions better for your customers.

The first one that I want to hit on is the value that customers see when they use the application. When a customer downloads the app, they're instantly gaining visibility into their information and if they're a member, we would be able to see their plan details. Members can view their recharges, update credit card info or even change their plan. This transparency that a customer gets when they download an app builds a sense of loyalty and trust and provides a better customer experience. When using an app, customers gain the ability to purchase anything from memberships to washes or prepaid services. When they do these things in the app, we can provide those customers with loyalty points and rewards.

The value that you're going to see as an operator is found across the platform. First and probably most obviously this app provides you another channel to sell your products. But then you're also going to see things like an automatic reduction of membership churn. Now this is all done through an automated push notification system whenever there's an issue with a plan, it's also done indirectly by increasing customer loyalty which leads to improved lifetime values for those customers. And a point I want to hit on that maybe is a little bit different but comes from personal experience is that your employees are also going to have an improved experience when utilizing the application. As a previous site manager and operator, I spent a lot of time managing customer plans whether I was updating credit card info, canceling memberships or switching plans, it was hours a week that I was spending in the lobby working with customers. Having a mobile app makes this experience so much easier and puts the interaction directly on the customer's phone. So the next thing we're going to want to jump into is loyalty and I'm going to hand it back to Kayla.

Kayla: Awesome, thank you. Okay, so driving loyalty is the next key benefit that we think a mobile app brings to the table that is not impossible but difficult to do otherwise. So when we talk, well and one thing real quick about this section is I want to focus specifically on retail customers. So Tony will talk about members in a couple minutes. For this, I want to talk about driving loyalty with your retail or non-member customers. So what we know from you guys all know from your own experience and what we know from just analytics that we've done is there's a chunk of customers for every wash that we'll never become members. And it kind of doesn't matter how many promotions you put in front of them or pitches you do at the point of sale, some people are not in the market for this. And we've also found that if a new customer who's basically a new customer for the first time at your wash, if they don't become a member within their first three months of their initial visit, their probability to ever become a member at your wash drops really dramatically and it stays low kind of thereafter for the lifetime of them being a customer.

So not ideal I know, but what can we do with those customers so that we're getting as much value as possible and we're really being strategic about them. We're not just hoping they come back but we're trying to really strategize and influence their behavior, even knowing that they likely will not become a member. So one of the difficulties when it comes to retail customers is a lot of times we don't know who they are or maybe we know a little bit about their behavior but we don't have a way to get in touch with them and the getting in touch with them part can help us influence their behavior. So maybe if you have license plate recognition, you might have some data on like, you know, how many times a certain vehicle comes back and how frequent they wash, what washes they purchase, that kind of thing. But if you're not collecting contact information for non-members on a regular basis, there's not a whole lot you can do with that information other than analyze it, it's insightful, but taking action upon it is difficult if you're not capturing contact info.

So this is where we feel like the loyalty app that, or the loyalty program that a mobile app can bring to the table comes in really handy. So we want to think about how do we get basically breaking this down into, what's the value for the customer and then what's the value for you as an operator when it comes to offering a loyalty program. So for the customer, like we mentioned earlier, one of the main reasons that a consumer will download a retail app is to get some kind of deal or incentive or personalized offer. So basically what we want to do for them is what Tony talked about with the download credit. So offer them a deal on the spot for downloading the app so they get that kind of immediate instant gratification and then like we talked about earlier, they intend to come back at some point, so we're offering them the potential to accumulate points and basically earn perks and rewards as they wash.

And so if they're someone who would wash with you anyway, this kind of is a no brainer, why would they not want to accumulate points for something that they were going to purchase anyway? And then from the, from you, like from the owner's perspective, you now not only know more about these customers and you can dig in and analyze the behavior of your non-members in addition to your members, but you also now have that channel, that communication channel to really talk with your customers and influence the behavior of your non-members.

So one example of what you could do there, I'll talk through what the loyalty program looks like in a little bit here, but if you offered some type of like points-based rewards, so you get a $10 credit when you earn a certain amount of rewards for example, you can set up an automation where you notify the customer, "Hey, you're only 10 points away from your next reward, here's what it is." And even that like communication is a reminder that may nudge them to come back and wash more frequently than they would have otherwise.

So it does really open up that channel for us. And then even beyond our ability to message our customers, research has shown that just being a part of a loyalty program in general can actually influence a consumer's behavior. Go ahead, Tony.

Tony: So this is some data from a study that McKenzie did and they were looking at top performing loyalty programs in general, but we'll talk through how a lot of this relates to our industry. So what they found was 64% of loyalty program users are more likely to purchase more frequently. So this is obviously great for us and aligns with kind of what I was just talking about where a lot of times we don't know a ton about how much our retail customers are washing, nor do we have the power to influence. But with a loyalty program, even just locking them into some sort of loyalty program kind of inherently has an effect on their behavior.

So we know the average retail car washer washes about three times per year. If we can lock them into a loyalty program and nudge that behavior even just a little bit where they're washing maybe one more time per year, then they wouldn't have normally just think of how much of a revenue opportunity that is when you multiply it across all your customers, across all your sites. So even just kind of that slightest nudge can have a massive revenue impact. Next one they found is 50% of loyalty members are more likely to recommend your business to others. So basically when you get someone into a loyalty program, they're having a great experience, they're getting perks and benefits, the human nature is to want to kind of share that with others, especially friends, family, people they know well. So Tony kind of mentioned this earlier, but we have a referral program built into the mobile app that basically allows an app user to just with the click of a button, send their unique referral code to a friend, family member. They can send it via email, text, social media, whatever makes the most sense. And then both of them automatically get a reward when that person makes a purchase.

So we're kind of naturally capitalizing off of that behavior that occurs when loyalty programs want to share or loyalty members want to share. And then the last couple of stats here, and then I'll stop throwing statistics at you. 35% are more likely to choose your brand over competitors. 31% are willing to pay a higher price for your service versus going to a competitor. So this is great for us if we can lock in people at retail customers really as loyalty program users, a good chunk of them. So 35% and 31% are going to be more likely to stay with you versus going elsewhere. And we know that that's super impactful when we think about how increasing, you know, increasingly competitive the car wash industry is getting all the time.

Kayla: Yeah, and you know, bringing this back into the car wash world, and I know every business is different, but if 60% of revenue at a car wash is memberships, that's still 40% that we're probably not likely addressing with a loyalty program. I find this as a huge opportunity to increase revenue for the site. And then to the second, third, and fourth points, with the car wash market getting more and more competitive, a mobile app builds brand strength and loyalty, you know, as competition comes into your town.

Tony: So just to wrap up this loyalty piece really quickly before we get into our last section, how the loyalty program works with Beacon, we're more than help, happy to walk through this deeper with you if you're interested, but essentially how it works is kind of like if you're familiar with the Starbucks app where you build points by making purchases within the app and then you get to redeem points for some type of reward, that's essentially how this works. So it's set up where every dollar a customer spends within the app earns them one point and then you as the car wash owner get to fully customize and decide what thresholds and what rewards that you want to offer.

So it could be a hundred points, gets them a $10 credit, it could be 50 points gets them an air freshener, it could be really anything. It can be credits or discounts on their next wash or it could be a physical item. So one opportunity here too is if you do happen to have any other profit centers on site, like a pet wash, c-store, anything else that you want to kind of incorporate and bring together, you can absolutely do something like that in your loyalty rewards system. So that's a great way to capitalize off of multiple profit centers and create an even better experience for your customer.

Tony: All right, so retaining members, this is a big one. As a car wash operator or owner, one of your most important goals should be to increase the lifetime value of your customers. When customers are engaged with your business and consistently utilizing your products, their lifetime value increases. Mobile apps help keep customers engaged and provide incentives to keep coming back. So Beacon Mobile addresses membership retention with several different methods that I'm about to cover. And I'd say the first one to look at is through churn prevention. So within the app we have a robust automation platform that helps with involuntary churn. And involuntary churn is losing members when that customer did not mean to cancel their plan. So say payment information failed, that would be a great example of it.

As operators, this is something that you're consistently battling and we want to save as many of those members as we can because we know how hard you work for them. So with Beacon what we do is we automatically send push notifications to the device if a membership can't be renewed and then that customer is instantly prompted to update their payment info so that we can recharge their plan and keep them active. Now the second half of this is voluntary churn. That's churn that happens when somebody actually decides to cancel. Well, with Beacon we can offer downsell options. When somebody goes to cancel their plan on the phone, we really want that experience to be easy, but we can offer them a alternative offer to keep them in the plan. So maybe we could give them a lower plan tier or a discount to stay in.

We want to do everything that we can to retain those customers and downsell options are a great way to do that without making it too difficult to cancel. Secondly, we can use Beacon to send push notifications directly from the app. These push notifications are a really powerful tool and they're the primary method of communication when using an application. They have a much, much higher click-through rate than text or email and they help improve your customer engagement, which ties back in to furthering that lifetime value of the customer. So typically push notifications have about an 8% click through rate with those, but on the other side, when you have text or email, those can be anywhere between two and 5% significantly lower. And the big last thing that I want to hit on here is incentives. So with Beacon we're able to segment our customers into different groups to target our promotions and rewards. So for an example, we would have a Best Wash member can use the mobile application to redeem for a free air freshener with every wash. Recently we made identifying members easier than ever using membership badges.

To explain that a little bit further, we can set up badges based off of time in the plan. So a three month member could be bronze, a six month member could be silver, and when you hit a year, you're now a gold member. Well we can utilize those things to send promotions based off of those different badges. Why is that valuable to you? Well we have data and statistics that show different things for different segments of customers.

One of the examples here is you need to wash at least three times in the first 45 days to maximize the retention of that customer, any less they're likely to cancel their plan. With the mobile app, we can use these tools to reach out to our customers, push them to come back to the wash, which in turn increases that lifetime value. Over the last decade, memberships have become the bread and butter of our industry and it's important now more than ever to grow and maintain those members and this is where Beacon really shines.

All right, so just wrapping things up, mobile applications are an essential tool to elevate your business through an improved customer experience. Today we covered three primary areas that are drivers for a mobile app, loyalty, customer experience, and retention. These are benefits that make car wash app necessary part of your customer experience. If you guys want to schedule a demo, you can scan the QR code on the screen. I'll have my team reach out to you and we'll be doing that as soon as possible. Let's open it up for questions. We have some time for questions, Kayla?

Kayla: Yeah, we'll hang out for a few minutes here. So go ahead and pop your questions in the chat or sorry not in the chat in the Q and A area. Looks like we've got a couple here we can get started with and go ahead and type in 'cause we'll like I said, if we don't have time to get through them, we'll send you answers too, so put anything in there that's on your mind. So first one we got is, "Do apps make sense for IBAs? How can in-bays best utilize mobile apps/loyalty programs?" So yes, absolutely they make sense for in-bays that are even more, like there's benefits to both. So one of the examples I can think of is memberships, offering memberships at an in-bay is way easier with a mobile app.

If this isn't something you've explored yet at your in-bay, it's definitely worth looking into because you can essentially offer like a really seamless member experience where they purchase in the app, go on site, it triggers the wash and then they go about their day. You don't have to have anyone there to place a tag or any other systems, it really just functions perfectly within the app.

So that's great. And then another thing about in-bay is because you don't have a employee standing there explaining anything or trying to do upsells, having that channel where you have your customers signed up in a mobile app and you can now communicate with them, otherwise you probably would have zero idea who they are if they're just coming in on their own and you don't have an employee there. So yes, we should chat more. There's a lot about in-bays that align really, really well with mobile apps.

Tony: Yeah, I'd like to speak to that too. So in-bay is actually where Beacon Mobile started. You know, they started in the in-bay world and then transitioned to both in-bay and tunnel. They saw tremendous growth there. And in on the in-bay side, like Kayla said, having sites that are unattended makes it very difficult to continue to sell to your customers, to upsell, to maintain memberships. And then on the other side of that, with memberships, it's also very difficult to manage abuse and manage the use of those in an IBA. 'Cause we know like your time that it takes for each wash is a significant bottleneck on productivity and you don't want to be washing those cars for free.

So with Beacon Mobile app, we're capable of limiting, you know, washes per month or washes per day, so you can create a membership program that makes sense for your wash. The other thing there is that I'd love to hit on about IBA is a little different. We have security that's built in directly to the app that will geo-locate the customers when they show up to the site, ensuring that they're actually there and they're not just generating codes, allowing their friends to go through the wash, which makes a very secure platform for people to redeem on.

Kayla: Awesome. So another question we got is, "Who helped set up the app?" So we have a team, sorry, you-

Kayla: No, so we have a team that helps set up the app and what that means is they basically do everything to get you launched. So it's fully designed out, they help if you want like they can help you strategize on best practices, you know, when you're setting up your loyalty program, what do we see most people do. If you're kind of starting from scratch, that can be helpful to have someone walk through some best practices or what we've seen work well. We also obviously work closely with SUDS, who I talked about in the beginning. SUDS can do like custom design work and get, you know, they can fully market the app for you if you want. So depending on how much you want to hand over the reigns, we've got lots of resources to help.

Tony: And then with the, with our implementation process, we do the building of the app for all of our customers. It will be branded by you guys, it'll show up in the app store like it's yours, but we do the backend building there and what we require is that you guys have an Apple developer and a Google Play Store developer account, but we'll do all the building and we'll walk with you on the process there and we'll be lockstep every step of the way until we get this thing alive.

Kayla: Yeah, absolutely. There's a couple questions that are kind of similar that are, if you have an existing app already changing to the Beacon app, I would say scan that QR code and reach out to us so we can talk through your specific situation. If you do have an app but there's no concern there, we can definitely talk through the process of getting transitioned over. Okay, a couple others here. "What's the best way to let my customers know that I have an app now once I launch it?" You want to take that, Tony?

Tony: Yeah, so there's a couple different ways that we can do this. One's physically on site. We can print off QR codes and put those all over the location. When you sign up with Beacon, we will take your logo and create some media for you. So yeah, help you out with wind masters and stickers to really market it onsite. But then the second half of that is you can work with SUDS and SUDS has a program where we do both the physical marketing on the site where we help with the design work and get those physical signage up, but the digital site as well. And that would be like social media posting, Google advertisements, we have a fully flush campaign that we would run to drive downloads and push your new programs.

Kayla: And then another follow up or similar question that we got asked, Tony, is, "What do I do if I'm having trouble getting people to download the app?" So I think it kind of goes hand in hand with what Tony talked about just now with, you know, running some sort of campaign around it that's, yes, the onsite piece is huge but if we can do outreach via email, online, social media, kind of doing a full campaign around it can be really helpful. And then I would also say if you're having trouble getting people to download, think through the value proposition and think through more of the strategy of what you are, like what you're offering for someone who downloads as their immediate reward.

So for example, if you're offering maybe like a membership offer for someone who downloads, would it make more sense to get them in with maybe a retail offer that they can use right away and then nurture them into membership or things like that. You might just want to tweak your strategy on how you're getting someone incentivized to sign up. And then another thing SUDS can help with too, if you're interested in more strategy is making sure you're connecting with the right customers at the right time in their journey. So like we talked about earlier, maybe not the best approach to get someone, you know, brand new or someone who's never heard of you to download the app, but how do we reach those customers that are, you know, already frequent washers. So maybe just strategizing a little bit differently about how your messaging it and what that main value proposition is. Let's see here. We may have time for like one more.

Tony: I see one here that I'd really like to hit. So, "Is the app ready to be used?" The answer to that is yes. So as soon as we build it, it would be ready to be used. Now we do put it in like a test flight situation or a testing situation where you guys can try it out and make sure it works. But as soon as you guys give us the go ahead we can go live. The other half of this that I am pretty passionate about is the integrations that we have now that Beacon is part of the DRB® umbrella. So with that SiteWatch®, if you have SiteWatch we can sync memberships back and forth, and then if you have Patheon® we will have full integration between memberships and retail data before the end of the year. And then with Washify we're working on that one and we expect to have it we early 2024.

Kayla: Awesome. Last one and then I'll let you guys go. "Can it be customized with my business's branding?" Absolutely. So we fully customize the designs. Even there's like a game within the app as well that's customized to whatever icons or colors and things you use. So it feels very seamless to the rest of your brand and the rest of your experience because we really want to create that seamless experience for your customers. So I know we have a few we didn't get to, so we'll absolutely follow up. Give us a few days to a week and we'll follow up with the rest of the answers and get you the recording from today. And please let us know if you have any other questions. But with that we'll let you get back to your day. Thank you so much for joining and talk to you guys soon, hopefully. Thank you.

Tony: Yeah. Thank you very much. We appreciate it. We appreciate everybody's time today. Please scan that QR code and that'll get out directly to my team. We will be able to reach out to you guys and get you a full demo. Have a good one.

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