How to Add or Delete User

The Users function allows you to set access permissions and notifications for different levels of users. Owner is the default Administrator and has access to all areas. The Sierra management system also has Attendant and Service Provider users set up by default. To ensure security of the system, all factory default passwords should be changed.

 To add or delete a User:

1.  Add or edit a user through the User function of the Sierra management system.

2.  Download the device profile.

Editing Via User Function

To add or edit a user on the Sierra management system, go to the Setup tab at the top of the screen, then go to Users in the left frame.

sierra users screen showing how to add new user

Click Add New User under the table to add a new user or Edit next to an existing user’s name to set their access privileges. To delete a user, click Delete next to the user profile in the table.

screenshot of edit user configuration screen in sierra

  1. Enter the User Name.
  2. Enter the User ID (any 2-digit number between 00 and 99).
  3. Enter the user password in the Password field (any number from 1 to 8 digits).
  4. Enter the user password again in the Confirm Password field.
  5. Enter the user’s email address. This allows the Sierra platform to email the user his password if it is forgotten, and for email notifications. NOTE: If this field is not filled out or is not correct, there is NO WAY to recover a lost password.
  6. Enter the SMS address of your cell phone to receive text messages (for example, where x is your cell phone number) from the entry unit. Contact your wireless carrier for this information.
  7. Select the Access Privileges you wish to assign to that user. User access to software functionality is managed using access privileges. Access privileges are a set of rules that identify which aspects of the system individual users can access.

NOTE: An administrative password is a user that has either “User Management” or “Utilities” access privileges under Setup>Users. 

NOTE: To setup a non-administrative user to verify and sell codes or sell accounts, “Accounts and Promotions” and “Code and Account Sales” must be checked on the user account. 

Download Device Profile

Download the device profiles to refresh the products on the unit.

  1. Click on Devices in the left frame.screenshot of sierra devices screen
  2. Click Download next to the unit you would like to refresh. screenshot of download device configuration screen in sierra