How to Setup a New Wash Type

The Wash Types feature is used to offer (2) types of washes allowing up to (8) wash packages .  When (2) wash types are configured, the first screen a user will encounter will prompt them to select the desired wash type. A typical application for multiple wash types would be Multi-Wash packages or a Flex Serve operation where customers may choose to purchase only an exterior wash or a wash and express detail package. In such a case, the products that are offered through the ‘Exterior Wash Only’ type would be different than those offered through the ‘Wash plus Detail.' 

This feature requires the Sierra management system to have a minimum version of 1.42.

The process for setting up wash types is:

  1. Set up the wash packages to be offered with each Wash Type on the Products
    page through the Setup tab of the Sierra management system.  Each product is unique to a particular wash type (a product can not be offered in both Wash types).
  2. Add the wash type and wash package through the Wash Dispensing function of the device profile.
  3. Download the device profile.

Create the Wash Package

To create a new wash package, click the Setup tab at the top, then click Products in the left frame. Select Wash from the drop-down menu, then click Add New Product.


  1. Enter the Product Name. This field is limited to 24 characters and will be the product name, which is displayed on reports.
  2. Enter the wash package/added service price in numbers and decimals only. NOTE: If the price is set to 0, the wash package will NOT display on the operations screen
  3. SKU - This not used in a standard application and should be left blank
  4. Enter the Display Name. This field is limited to 24 characters. This name will be displayed to the consumer (on the wash selection screens).
  5. If you wish to use Point of Purchase (POP) discounts on your pump or register interface, enter the amount of the discount for Level 1 and Level 2.
  6. Click Save.

Add New Wash Type

Go to the device profile where the new wash type will be added (Portal®, Sentinel®, C-Start®) and click Edit by the device name. Then click on Wash Dispensing in the left frame.


Click on the Add New Wash Type button to add the 2nd type. Please note that the Wash Type selection button displayed to the customer will include the Wash Type Name (as shown in the table) so both the default and new wash types will need to be renamed.

To add the new wash type name and to configure the wash packages, click the Edit button for the associated Wash Type.


Enter the wash type name. To add a new wash package, select the desired wash from the drop down menu at the top of the screen and click Add to List. Click the Product Settings button next to the wash name to configure the wash.


  1.  Select the relay pattern that the wash equipment requires to deliver the desired wash package. Normally, only one relay output is turned on for each wash package. The alternate relay pattern is used to notify the wash controller of a change that’s required in the wash service. A typical use would be to set a “hybrid” wash for either a “touch free” or “soft touch” wash delivery. When an alternate relay pattern is enabled, a customer option message must also be set in the User Interface set-up.
  2.  Select any Added Services you wish to offer with this wash package from the drop-down menus in the order you wish them to be displayed.
  3.  If you will be dispensing tokens with the wash package, enter the quantity of tokens that will be dispensed.
  4. Click on Edit Wash Details. 

  5. Enter Details for the wash, if desired. These details are displayed when the Wash Info button is pressed on the Sales screen. The wash details screen allows (7) lines of 16 characters per wash. Click Save.
  6. Edit each wash package as stated above and click Save.

Download Device Profile

Download the device profiles to refresh the products on the unit.

  1. Click on Devices in the left frame.
  2. Click Download next to the unit you would like to refresh.