Make Real-Time, Data-Backed Business Decisions

Patheon goes beyond standard reporting engines, empowering organizations to make data-driven business decisions in real time. By providing visibility into key performance indicators and industry benchmarks, our platform helps you maximize revenue potential, maintain a healthy and growing membership base and improve operational efficiency.

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Paginated Reports

Patheon provides the standard reports you rely on to run your wash, including Transactions, Plan Customer Detail, General Sales, Account Detail, Bank Deposit and more. Patheon’s reports are exportable and print ready.

Additionally, you can access the Accounting Data Export, which ensures fast and easy access to the information your financial professional needs, including a CSV export out of Patheon that can be imported into your bookkeeping system.

Patheon Insights

Patheon Insights equips operators with powerful data and analytics to inform business decisions in real time with dynamic, interactive dashboards.

screenshot of trends in the patheon car wash posPatheon Insights makes data consumable and actionable with:

  • Explanations - Compares a data point to a previous period and explains the differences.
  • Forecasts - Forecasts future values based on historical data
  • Trends - Shows the average trend for the data displayed
  • Narratives – Transforms data into plain language, giving you the “so what” behind your data with major takeaways presented as bullet points.

Patheon Insights also:

  • Allows you to schedule reports and set alerts if certain key performance indicators fall below or above certain thresholds.
  • Is accessible from your web browser or through a mobile app
  • Makes insights easily sharable from the mobile app via text, email, etc.

screenshots of desktop and mobile versions of Patheon Insights

Key Patheon Insights Dashboards

Patheon Insights’ dashboards help you track information in real time so you can make data-based decisions to maximize your business running smoothly.

Wash Efficiency Insights Dashboard

The Wash Efficiency Insights dashboard gives you quick access to the metrics you count on to keep your wash running smoothly. Specifically, you can visualize car counts in the way that is most meaningful to you, whether that’s daily, hourly, by product, by site, etc. Patheon Insights can even provide predictive car counts. Using this information helps inform your staffing and marketing promotion strategies.

Plan Churn Dashboard

This dashboard provides a wealth of information related to the health of your monthly wash plans including:

  • Voluntary (member requests cancellation) and Involuntary (declined credit card) churn rates. If either type of churn reaches a certain threshold, it turns red, alerting you that you may want to investigate further.
  • Breakdown of Voluntary churn by site, by plan name, plan start month, etc.
  • Plans Sold vs. Plans Ended

screen shot of plan churn dashboard

Plan Usage Dashboard

This dashboard shows you how many times on average your members are washing per month and how many members are washing less than four times a month. Using Patheon’s Segments, you can then send marketing messages to those with low redemptions to remind them of the importance of washing often.

Plan Reloads Dashboard

The Plan Reloads Dashboard helps you proactively monitor your business. It allows you to see your total reload history so you can ensure that plans are reloading successfully. You can also check your reload revenue to ensure you are getting what you expected in credit card payments from the processor.

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