Harness the Benefits of EMV at Your Tunnel Car Wash

August 22, 2024

In the ever-evolving world of payment processing, car washers face the ongoing challenge of ensuring secure, fast and convenient transactions for their customers. EMV technology has emerged as a global standard for credit card processing, offering smarter and more secure transactions.  

So, what is EMV, and why should you consider it for your car wash? We’ll answer those questions and let you know how to get started with EMV. 

EMV 101 

close up of a chip on a credit cardEMV, short for Europay, Mastercard and Visa, is a revolutionary global standard for credit card transactions that has transformed the landscape of payment processing.  

EMV cards are equipped with a tiny, embedded microprocessor chip known as an embedded integrated circuit (IC) that stores encrypted data. Unlike traditional magnetic stripe cards that store static, read-only data, this dynamic chip can read and write card data to generate new, one-time codes for each transaction. Because the data changes with each new transaction, EMV cards are harder to successfully counterfeit. This added layer of security enhances the overall integrity of credit card transactions and protects both merchants and consumers from various forms of fraud, including card-present counterfeit fraud.

In most developed economies, EMV has been the norm for years. In fact, 92% of all card-present transactions conducted globally used EMV Chip Technology. The United States has been one of the last to adopt it, but even still, EMV accounted for 8% of card-present transactions in the U.S. for the same period.  

Why Switch? 

With that in mind, consumer data security is the main reason to switch to EMV. Magstripe cards present one of the biggest vulnerabilities in the industry: The static information on the magstripes can be decrypted by skimming devices and transmitted to an identity thief. They are also easier to counterfeit. 

The dynamic chip in EMV cards greatly reduces those risks, securely transmitting encrypted information to the payment processor. As consumers become increasingly conscious of the security of their transactions, accepting EMV payments demonstrates your commitment to safeguarding their data. This fosters trust and loyalty, helping you attract and retain customers. 

But heightened security isn’t the only thing EMV has to offer. Consider these other benefits of switching to EMV. 

Customer Convenience 

EMV opens the door to contactless cards and mobile wallets through Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, more commonly referred to as “tap-to-pay.” With this technology, consumers simply hold their chip-enabled card or phone near the reader instead of fumbling to insert a card into the reader. The U.S. is the global leader in NFC mobile payments with $4.4 billion in NFC mobile payments in 2022

Tap-to-pay by phone has become so popular that many consumers no longer carry physical cards.

It’s important to note, however, that tap-to-pay payments can only be used for one-time purchases, like single washes. They can't be used to sign up for monthly subscription plans.  Customers will need to insert their chip card into the reader for those transactions.

Reduced Liabilities and Fees 

Traditionally, issuers or payment processors absorbed the losses in cases of card-present fraud. However, the major credit networks have instituted a liability shift where merchants now bear the liability for fraudulent charges if they do not support EMV transactions. Having EMV can limit chargeback requests and help you be more successful in winning disputes when they do occur.

By collecting and retaining only the minimum EMV data needed, merchants can limit their PCI audit scope and reduce compliance costs. The more secure EMV process also makes merchants eligible for certain PCI compliance exceptions, incentives, and ease of validation. 

Future-Proof Your Wash

As technology continues to advance, traditional magnetic stripe cards will become obsolete. Beginning in 2027, card issuers will no longer require banks to issue chip cards with magstripes, and by 2033, they plan to eliminate them entirely. This means that without an EMV reader, business owners may not be able to process customers’ cards. 

By adopting EMV, merchants ensure compatibility with emerging payment technologies. This forward-thinking approach positions businesses for continued success in the dynamic world of payment processing. 

emv_credit_card_chip_(1).jpgFull-Speed Ahead

EMV provides car washes with fast, secure and reliable payment processing without sacrificing security. Patheon EMV-ready payment readers help operators provide delightful customer experiences and boost throughput by processing cards typically in less than 5 seconds – the perfect combination of speed, efficiency and security. 

Contact us at CCardSupport@drb.com to get started!

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