Blue car and POS

Blog Post

6 Ways Point-of-Sale Drives Car Wash Success

April 11, 2023

The point-of-sale (POS) system is the backbone of your car wash business.

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white car being washed in an iba car wash


Unlock Profit at Your In-Bay Wash with a Mobile App

March 31, 2023

Learn how, with a mobile app, in-bay/c-store washes can overcome common challenges to revenue growth.

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high technology background


Patheon - A Next-Gen POS Experience

March 16, 2023

With Patheon®, we have reimagined POS to make your life as a car wash operator as easy as possible. Learn how.

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Finger touching app

Blog Post

Groundbreaking Trends in Car Wash Mobile E-Commerce

March 7, 2023

New technology advancements are making mobile e-commerce more accessible and powerful than ever. 

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chess pieces with graphs overlayed


PrecisionPricing: Make More Money Without Washing a Single Extra Vehicle

March 3, 2023

Are you leaving money on the table? This webinar discusses how optimizing your prices can maximize your revenue.

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Calculator and dollar bills

Blog Post

SUDS Talks Pricing Strategies in the ICA’s Pitch™ Presentation

February 22, 2023

DRB® and SUDS were recently featured in the ICA’s Pitch webinar discussing SUDS’ latest offering, Precis

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