overview image of a car wash with a line of cars


Site Selection – Conquering the Biggest Risk of Your Car Wash Investment

March 13, 2023

A car wash's location can predict around 80% of its future performance, so it's important to get it right. Learn how in this webinar.

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Finger touching app

Blog Post

Groundbreaking Trends in Car Wash Mobile E-Commerce

March 7, 2023

New technology advancements are making mobile e-commerce more accessible and powerful than ever. 

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chess pieces with graphs overlayed


PrecisionPricing: Make More Money Without Washing a Single Extra Vehicle

March 3, 2023

Are you leaving money on the table? This webinar discusses how optimizing your prices can maximize your revenue.

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Calculator and dollar bills

Blog Post

SUDS Talks Pricing Strategies in the ICA’s Pitch™ Presentation

February 22, 2023

DRB® and SUDS were recently featured in the ICA’s Pitch webinar discussing SUDS’ latest offering, Precis

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Person holding phone and apps displayed

Blog Post

The Benefits of Having an App for Your IBA Car Wash

February 21, 2023

Mobile apps built for the car wash industry are creating new opportunities that once seemed out of reach for unattended IBAs.

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falling dominos on a table stopped by a human hand

Blog Post

Using the Right Site Selection Tool to Mitigate Car Investment Risk

January 18, 2023

Car washing comes with risks just like any business. Perhaps the biggest risk is location, but fortunately, you can mitigate that risk.

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